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YOU shop & Amazon Smile GIVES to the Wild For Life Foundation 

Contact us to arrange delivery or pick up of donated goods

Make a big difference by donating goods and receive the maximum legal tax deduction for your generous gift today. Important supplies like food, feed buckets, 1st aid and medical supplies are always in need.
(Gently used items are also very welcome)
Hay (Alfalfa, Bermuda, Three way, Timothy, Teff)
Feed (Mare and Foal, TB pellets, Bermuda Blend, Beet Pellets, Equine Senior, Equine Junior, Timothy)
Milk re-placer feed (Foal-Lac, Colostrum)
Grains (oats, bran, barley)
Large Grove Feeders
Fly masks with and without ears
1st Aid Supplies (Vet wrap, cotton sheeting, plastic gloves)
Wormer and supplements (Glucosomine, MSM, Livatrope...)
Bagged pine shavings (suitable for bedding stalls)
Syllium powder
Break away & leather halters
Cotton Lead ropes
Dry Stall
Cotton leads
Lunge Lines
Wheel Barrows
Hitching posts
Macro Bins (vented)
Water troughs
Pasture Feeders
Run-in Shed
Mare motel
Pipe panels (4, 5 & 6 rail - 12' and 24' with and without gates)
Squeeze chute
Railroad ties
Fencing materials (Galvanized no-climb or V-Mesh Horse Fencing, 2-2 1/2" metal fence posts, brackets)
Electrobraid electric fence system
Cargo Container/ Sheds
Valley Vet, Home Depot/ Tractor Supply/ Ace Hardware and Staples Gift Certificates
Fuel gift cards
Postage Stamps
Horse trailer (stock trailer and slant, stock or combination) in good condition for safe hauling of rescue horses
3500 Diesel 4WD Truck with goose neck trailer hitch for safe hauling of horses and equipment
Bobcat - tractor
4WD Gator - utility vehicle
Golf Cart - with passenger seating
Honeywagon Portable Restooms for Visitors and Students
Commerical size washer and dryer to wash horse blankets and bedding
Sand bags
DG, Gravel, Rock, used brick, stepping stones
PVC piping and plumbing parts and supplies
