FLAGSHIP MISSION: Our most recognized mission is to save, protect and preserve abused, neglected, displaced and slaughter bound wild and domestic equines, and educate to raise compassion and improve the standards of protection for America’s equine populations as a whole.

Equine Rescue & Sanctuary Program Activities:
* Save equines from abusive and life threatening situations including abuse, neglect, abandonment, euthanasia and slaughter
* Accept at-risk domestic and displaced wild equines, with a focus on senior and special needs equines, equines past their prime, equines with disabilities and those with no other options remaining, without limit to breed, age, gender or discipline
* Provide lifesaving rescue and sanctuary services for senior and special needs equines who've been impounded and listed for euthanasia at county kill shelters
* Provide quality care and sanctuary for orphaned, distressed, injured, and displaced horses and burros that have nowhere else to go
* Secure the safe future of these equines so they can be cared for and live out their lives in sanctuary, or placed through foster, prepared for adoption, or reunited with their families when possible
* Expose the cycle of animal cruelty and help to resolve the inadequate standards of protection for animals, offer humane care and population management information, cultivate action and inspire compassion and social change through outreach, advocacy and multimedia education
Wild for Life Foundation, Inc (WFLF) is a federally registered volunteer nonprofit charity established for the sole charitable purpose of the prevention of cruelty to animals.
Among our greatest concerns are imperiled wild horses and burros, abused, neglected and slaughter bound wild and domestic equines, and inadequate standards of protection for America’s equine population as a whole. We vigorously work to save, protect and preserve abused, neglected, displaced and slaughter bound wild and domestic equines, and educate to raise compassion and improve the standards of protection for America’s equine populations. We work to protect the lives wild equines as part of the natural ecosystem and educate people about the need for their preservation in the wild.
WFLF works in conjunction with animal services agencies and provides emergency and transitional shelter housing and primary care for abused, neglected, injured and homeless animals in need. The WFLF promotes the protection and preservation of wild horses and burros on their Native lands as part of the preservation of natural ecosystems and wildlife. The WFLF is achieving these goals through operating lifesaving animal rescue, sanctuary, rehabilitation, preservation, educational, advocacy and protection programs that foster symbiotic environmental stewardship and healing partnerships between people and animals.
Wild For Life Foundation, Inc offers caring members of society the opportunity to engage in meaningful activities that contribute to society and provide positive outcomes for animals in need. Supporters can help restore joy, compassion, health and wellbeing for at-risk animals through the recreational act of giving time, money, goods, or services. Support the cause you care most about by joining Wild For Life Foundation and help save lives today.
Please email us to inquire.

Wild for Life Foundation’s vision is for the people of the world to nurture, preserve and promote a compassionate human-animal bond by giving back to the animals and the environment which all life depends. Through the Wild for Life Foundation’s diverse educational and wellness activities we seek to build compassion and positive life skills through healing relationships with animals.
The Wild For Life Foundation has earned a stellar reputation built on integrity and compassion with its extraordinary work in advocacy and hands-on care for animals in desperate need of help. We are deeply committed to these majestic sentient beings and we are devoted to upholding and carrying out our mission to save, protect, preserve and defend them through education advocacy, rescue and sanctuary.
With human encroachment on natural habitats a constant feature of our modern world, America's wild horses and burros are vanishing from the wild.
Wild For Life Foundation, Inc is a tax exempt public benefit corporation founded in California in 2008. Our charity is supported solely by tax deductible donations from caring individuals, businesses and foundations. With the ever growing and devoted support of WFLF's caring constituents, the Foundation has gone on to save hundreds of horses and burros, and other animals from cruelty and life threatening danger.
The Wild For Life Foundation has oftentimes been the first or the only place where injured, orphaned and homeless equines could find safe refuge. We provide rescue, rehabilitation, adoption and sanctuary services for at risk wild and domestic equines in need. At Wild For Life Foundation these vulnerable victims receive quality care and a second chance at life. Through dedicated and tireless hard work, excellence in professional leadership and with the assistance and support of many compassionate and generous individuals, the accomplishments of the Wild For Life Foundation and the success of its mission have been unsurpassed.
Before and After Starvation Recovery Through WFLF Equine Rescue Services |
The Wild For Life Foundation implements high standards and best practices in all animal care which ties directly to our rescue and sanctuary success. We see rescuing at-risk and victimized animals as a sacred trust. By serving these animals through a gentle, soothing rescue and rehabilitation process we enable those who have arrived injured and in-shock to heal and thrive in calm and safe environments.
