WFLF is 501 c3 tax exempt charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving America's wild and domestic horses and burros. We depend 100% on tax-deductible donations from caring people like you to carry out our mission. Please give generously if you can, and share with your friends to help make a difference.

These horses and burros are roundup and slaughter survivors, rescued by WFLF from across the country, each with their own special story.

Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) has helped to save and provide lifesaving aid for thousands of at-risk equines across the country. We've also provided rescue and direct care for hundreds of horses and burros from cruelty and life-threatening danger, without limit to breed, age, gender or discipline.
Many horses and burros arrive at our facilities injured, emaciated, pregnant, nursing or orphaned. All domestic equines under our care were rescued from slaughter or had been victims of abuse, neglect or abandonment.
Through WFLF’s Lifetime Equine Refuge, we offer lifesaving rescue and sanctuary services for abused, neglected, displaced and slaughter-bound horses and burros, including off-track Thoroughbreds, as well as orphaned, distressed, injured, or displaced equines, senior and special needs equines, equines with disabilities, and in general, equines with no other options remaining.
We’ve saved numerous equines from unspeakable cruelties, including wild horses and burros chased down and rounded up by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) helicopters. We saved hundreds of wild and domestic equines that were sadly stripped of all humane protection after being designated as food animals and forced into the slaughter pipeline.
The rescue equines under our care are assured quality care, including health and medical treatment, safe and peaceful habitats, nutritional hay, grains and supplements, plus rehabilitation, training, and safety-net services as needed to enhance their potential placement into new loving homes. And for those animals that are not adoptable, we are devoted to assuring their peace and health through placement in our sanctuary program.
In most cases, these horses and burros come to us traumatized, shattered, desperate and betrayed. They find love, safety, compassion, dignity, trust, hope, and a new beginning with us.

Financial support is essential to help cover basic program costs that are absolute and ongoing for the lifespan of each equine dependent under our care. Your donation today will help provide the urgently needed continuum of care for the many at-risk horses and burros we serve.
Please give generously if you can, and share with your friends to help make a difference. Thank you!


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Thank you for supporting WFLF's mission.

Founded in July 2008, Wild For Life Foundation celebrates its success in awarding winning charitable services and impeccable compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and operational policies.
For Wild For Life Foundation the ability to respond quickly to animal need emergencies is crucial to the success of our mission. Unrestricted financial contributions in support of WFLF's mission and services allow us to allocate our resources most efficiently, to ensure that funds are always available where the needs are greatest under the exempt purpose of our nonprofit.
Wild For Life Foundation is comitted to seeing that all donated funds are used exclusively for its exempt purposes.
Donations received by the Wild For Life Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. EIN 26-3052458
