Your assistance with placement of horses allows us to have more resources to carry out our mission and enhances our ability help other equines in need.
We take applications on a case-by-case basis as we want to assure a good match of equine and care provider.
The WFLF Adoption Placement agreement stipulates that if the adopter fails to meet WFLF Minimum Standards of Equine Care, that the subject equine shall be returned to WFLF.
WFLF's is dedicated to the lifetime safety and welfare of each horse under its umbrella. Long term placement of equines into new loving homes makes it possible for WFLF to serve a greater population of equines in need. Though optimally qualified equines may receive lifetime care and residency with approved 'conditional guardians', and adopters we understand that circumstances can change, and even the most loving and best intentioned people may at some point become unable to provide the essential care required. WFLF therefore exercises certain safeguards and requirements in the best interest of each equine.

Join in and give back to a horse or burro in need today!
1. Join WFLF's SAFE HAVEN NETWORK by filling out the on line membership application  
2. Request Adoption/ Foster Application, fill out and return.
3. Meet with one of our representatives to discuss your needs and desires
4. Learn, understand and agree to WFLF's Standards of Care Guidelines
5. The boarding facility that you select or your own barn must meet our guidelines and will be visited by one of our representative.
Pay membership fee: 
SAFE HAVEN NETWORK Annual Membership Levels:
Individual - $50
Family - $100
Business - $1,000
Contact us to request an application packet 
WFLF's Equine Placement Program is an extension of our enrichment services where horses and people are partners in healing. Qualified Fosters and Adopters can take part in the provision of essential care needed for displaced and homeless equines rescued by the Wild For Life Foundation.
WFLF's Equine Placement Program is founded on our Forever Safe Harbor Mission which assures forever safe refuge for each and every rescued horse and burro under our program. Qualified compassionate adopters, fosters and sanctuary partners like you play a vital role in providing the assurance of safe housing and loving care for the lifetime of each rescued WFLF equine.
Geographic Areas Served
Adoption Placement and Private Sanctuary Partnerships for both wild and domestic equines are currently available to qualified candidates in the Western region of the U.S., and Foster Home Placement for domestic equines is currently available in the San Diego, Orange County, Riverside, Los Angeles and San Bernardino areas of CA.
Please email if you can be an Adopter, Foster or Sanctuary Partner.
Contact us  |
Top Rated |
Top Rated |
Fully Vetted |
The Wild For Life Foundation is a Certified, Trusted, Fully Vetted, Top Rated and Awarded Charity.
Federal ID No 26-3052458 |