Your assistance with placement of horses allows us to have more resources to carry out our mission and enhances our ability help other equines in need.
We take applications on a case-by-case basis as we want to assure a good match of equine and care provider.
WFLF's is dedicated to the lifetime safety and welfare of each horse under its umbrella. Long term placement of equines into new loving homes makes it possible for WFLF to serve a greater population of equines in need. Though optimally qualified equines may receive lifetime care and residency with approved 'conditional guardians', and adopters we understand that circumstances can change, and even the most loving and best intentioned people may at some point become unable to provide the essential care required. WFLF therefore exercises certain safeguards and requirements in the best interest of each equine.

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WFLF's Equine Placement Program is an extension of our enrichment services where horses and people are partners in healing. Qualified Fosters and Adopters can take part in the provision of essential care needed for displaced and homeless equines rescued by the Wild For Life Foundation.
Through our Lifetime Equine Refuge program we strive to assure a loving, peaceful and safe haven environment for the natural lifetime of each equine who comes through our doors. Because adoptions do not always provide a lifetime of security and protection for animals, Wild For Life Foundation has specific adoption criteria to ensure that WFLF horse(s) and /or burro(s) are placed in appropriate environments.
Due to limited resources and the constant need for displaced horses and burros to find safe harbor placement and sanctuary, we place horses through foster and adoption. Both short term and long term foster care placements can make a huge difference in saving the life of a horse or burro in need. We work with individuals, and other groups, as well as authorities and agencies to find homes for both wild and domestic horses and burros in need. For the best interests of the equines, we implement an thorough application process to assure their safety and protection. WFLF horses and/or burros may not be sold, slaughtered, abused, exploited, or live without other equine companions.
WFLF's Equine Placement Program is founded on our Safe Harbor Mission which strives to assure forever safe refuge for each and every rescued horse and burro under our program. Qualified compassionate adopters, fosters and sanctuary partners like you play a vital role in providing the assurance of safe housing and loving care for the lifetime of each rescued WFLF equine.
Geographic Areas Served
Adoption Placement and Private Sanctuary Partnerships for both wild and domestic equines are currently available to qualified candidates in the Western region of the U.S., and Foster Home Placement for domestic equines is currently available in the Riverside, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange County and San Diego areas of CA.
Contact us to learn more: 
Adopt to help Domestic Equines in need
Do you have room in your heart and your barn for just one more?
You can help by ADOPTING a domestic horse in need. Follow the links below to join WFLF's Safe Haven Network. With your help, horses in need can receive a second chance at life and the much needed time for transition into permanent placement down the line. If you have room for a horse in need, or know someone else that does, please contact us directly.
For every horse that you ADOPT on our behalf, we can save another life. If you love the company of horses and have adequate pasture and shelter, you can help a horse or burro in need.
Domestic equines that have been cleared for ADOPTION are placed with WFLF approved applicants on a first come - best fit basis. Both the background of the horse and the background of the applicant are considered during the placement process. Equines placed with the new owner are not available for re-homing or sale by the new owner unless their standards for adoption and care are approved by WFLF..
Please email if you would like to Adopt!
1. Join WFLF's SAFE HAVEN NETWORK TEAM by requesting a membership application
2. To Adopt please request a copy of WFLF's general placement process and terms. We will then follow up with you.
Contact us to learn more: 
The Wild For Life Foundation also partners with private land owners who are willing to provide a private sanctuary environment for these majestic symbols of America - a place to call their new forever home where they can play and safely roam in peace for the remainder of their lives.
Adopter and foster partnerships may also become available from time to time for wild horse and burro youngsters. Some of the younger horses and burros who demonstrate a natural desire to socialize with humans, may deemed appropriate for placement in approved homes.
We generally place horses in bonded pairs or groups; however, each situation is different. Under no circumstances will we place a horse in an environment where it will be alone. Equines homed through private sanctuary placement are not available for re-homing or sale by the new owner.
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The Wild For Life Foundation is a Trusted, Fully Vetted, Top Rated and Awarded Charity .
Federal ID No 26-3052458 |