Wild Mustangs Saved from the Brink of Death by the Wild For Life Foundation
This mission was completed in June 2015, and you can learn more about the Mustangs saved through this monumental rescue mission here 

Wild For Life Foundation is committed to providing accurate information to the public and utilizes a ProActive crisis communications plan in the event of a crisis that impacts the organization, in which case approppriate communication procedures are enacted as outlined under WFLF's risk management policy.
WFLF has issued Public Interest Alert(s) to its donors, constituents and the public at large about a small group of individuals -- who refuse to identify themselves and use aliases, digital devices and fake profile pages, are impersonating WFLF, its staff and benefactors, and circulating disparaging innuendo, deceptive and falsified information and documents in effort to destroy WFLF. These activities have been reported to the authorities.
Please contact WFLF administration directly through our official email if you have been exposed to any suspicious activities. Thank you.
Wild for Life Foundation is a fully active federally registered 501 (c)3 nonprofit charity with an impeccable record of compliance with all applicable state and federal rules and regulations.
Federal ID No. 26-3052458 |

(Above: a young colt we named Prince. He was the first born colt at our sanctuary from this rescue mission- his mother was pregnant at the time of her rescue and she gave birth to him within weeks of her arrival to our facilities. She would have likely miscarried while in route to Mexico for slaughter, but through this rescue mission we were able to save them both)

The above, mother-daughter pair were among the first fifteen wild Mustangs who arrived to CA in 2014 and were accepted by WFLF into its rescue and protection program. This picture was taken by WFLF at one of its California sanctuary facilties where these rescued Mustang's needs were provided for by the Wild For Life Foundation nonprofit charity.

The images displayed by WFLF of these and other equines served by WFLF are a testament to the profound success of WFLF's lifesaving mission. Documentation and recognition of the equines served through WFLF's work is essential to carrying out our mission, to meeting transparency guidelines, and to the showing of good faith in best practices toward meeting donor/ grantor intent as set forth by the governing regulations |
WFLF is grateful to independent photographers who have granted permission for the use of images for the purpose of documenting and supporting WFLF's lifesaving missions. |
Note: WFLF owns the copyrights and all use rights for all images captured of WFLF equines while located at WFLF facilities, and or of equines served by WFLF during the process of a WFLF rescue mission. The images of equines depicted in photographs on this webpage are of horses whom WFLF aided, saved, rescued, cared and or provided for and or legally owned at the time in which the photographs were taken. |
Note: Photographs watermarked with the WILD FOR LIFE FOUNDATION name are federally protected under copyright law. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any and all unauthorized or bad faith use of WFLF name or images is prohibited. |