AJR-5 Wild Horse and Burro Protection Bill
The CA AJR 5 hearing originally set for April 22nd was postponed to to June. The new date should be available in mid-May. This allows more time for individuals and organizations to show your support. Calls and letters of support are needed.
This measure would urge the federal government to immediately declare a moratorium on all further wild horse and burro roundups and would urge the United States Bureau of Land Management and the United States Forest Service to restore the wild horses and burros of California to their legal areas throughout the state.
See this pending legislation 
WFLF AJR-5 Position Statement 

Natural Wildfire Abatement And Forest Protection Plan, by WHFB 
Read & Share this powerful Testimony In Support of California’s Assembly Joint Resolution Resolution 5 (AJR-5) 
About the author of the Natural Wildfire Abatement And Forest Protection Plan/ Wild Horse Fire Brigade (WHFB) / Capt. William E. Simpson II 
WFLF Horses Wild and Free
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Alerts & Videos 
Related Equine Legislation 
In May of 2017 the United States, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released their 2018 “BUDGET JUSTIFICATIONS” with a call for approval of proposed provisions that if passed would strip protections and effectively allow the BLM to shoot and kill wild horses and burros and sell wild horses and burros for slaughter.
On July 20, 2017 – The Senate Appropriations Committee approved the Udall-Graham Amendment, introduced by Sens. Tom Udall (D-NM) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) which includes defunding language to prohibit U.S. Department of Agriculture from hiring horse meat inspectors in the U.S. This in turn prevents horse slaughter plants from being re-opened in the U.S. in 2018. The Amendment was passed in the full committee by a bipartisan vote and will effectively continue a ban on the gruesome horse slaughter industry on U.S. soil.
Protection is however still needed for America's horses from the exportation across federal borders where they continue to face gruesome slaughter every day. The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act was announced on Friday, Aug 4, 2017 by US Senators Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and Susan Collins (R-Maine). Its purpose is to forbid slaughter on American soil and ban any related interstate or foreign commercial activity, such as the export of horse meat or the transport of live horses to slaughterhouses in other countries. The bill must pass the house and senate before it can become a law. Learn more about anti slaughter legislation here 
THE SENATE HAS YET TO VOTE on the BLM/ DOI appropriations proposal regarding the killing and sale of Mustangs and burros - which will take place toward the end of summer.

You can make a difference by polightly urging your Local Representatives to support legislation in support of protecting America's wild horses & burros.
You can find the direct contact information for your state representative here>>
