A surmounting body of evidence confirms that horses never totally died out in America although horses and burros were previously thought to have disappeared from the continent roughly 10,000 years ago. However, substancial evidence demonstrates that the Equus species survived the ice age in America. And, the evidence of their continued presence has become too substantial to ignore. (More about their indigenous heritage)
WFLF'S commitment to WILD HORSES AND BURROS: Central to our Mission is our commitment to help see that wild equines are able to remain in the wild. WFLF’s Wild Horse and Burro protection and preservation program works to save and protect the lives of wild equines as part of the natural ecosystem and educate people about the need for the preservation of these threatened equine species. WFLF accomplishes these objectives through 1) rescue and anctuary and services provided to at-risk wild equines who have been captured through roundups from the wild and are in danger of slaughter, 2) advocacy and education promoting wild horse preservation in the wild, and 3) promoting viable wild equine sanctuary and preserves for the purpose of serving wild equines in need.
Horses Wild and Free
WFLF's advocacy program promotes ethical and sustainable ecological values and healthy nonlethal management practices for the protection and preservation of threatened and endangered wild equines.
Fundamental to the core of Wild For Life Foundation’s wild equine rescue and sanctuary mission is our commitment to assure a safe haven for each and every wild equine that comes through our doors. WFLF's Wild Horse sanctuary program provides rescued wild horses with medical care, nutritional food, and a peaceful habitat.

Since founding in 2008, WFLF's Wild Horse and Burro Program has saved the lives and provided for the ongoing care of hundreds of slaughter bound Mustangs and Burros including pregnant and nursing wild equines, and orphan foals, injured and senior special needs wild equines.
These services are only made possible through tax deductable donations received through our charity.
There is no minimum amount for contributions made directly to the Wild for Life Foundation.
Make a lifesaving donation in any amount

Inquire to learn more about program sponsorship please contact WFLF by email .
Donations to the Wild for Life Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Federal ID No. 26-3052458