Served by our Lifesaving Mission |
The Wild For Life Foundation is a volunteer driven nonprofit organization devoted to making a difference for animals in desperate need.
Our equine rescue and protection program, Lifetime Equine Refuge provides rescue, custodial care, health and medical treatment, rehab, training, placement services and sanctuary to help and improve the lives of desperate horses in neglected and abusive situations. We also help special needs and at-risk equines who may have no other options remaining. We provide life saving services for equines in life threatening situations, including equines listed for euthanasia and slaughter-bound equines. We provide a second chance at life for Thoroughbreds off the racetrack through rehab, training and placement services.
We are a no-kill animal rescue and sanctuary program and we rely 100% on tax deductible donations to carry out these services.
Through our equine rescue, recovery and protection program we provide lifesaving and custodial care services for at-risk wild and domestic equines. We are dedicated to providing charitable animal protection services for the prevention of animal cruelty, including aid and direct care for abused, neglected, slaughter bound and other at-risk equines of all breeds, ages and disabilities, and we strive to assure their life-long safety, peace and health.
Through our Thoroughbred rescue and sanctuary program we provide lifesaving services for at-risk horses - that through no fault of their own, didn't measure up in the racing industry - whether they were injured, too slow, or for some other reason, their lives became at-risk. Lifesaving rescue, quality care, rehab, enrichment and training enhance their successful recovery, transition and forever safe placement through support of this program.
Wild For Life Foundation’s Special Needs and Senior Care Project serves to provide ongoing aid to the animals who most critically need our help. Our project objectives include provision of nutritional food and supplements, medical, health and general care, safety-net and placement services and education programming for the direct benefit of at-risk senior and special needs equines, displaced equines, equines with disabilities and equines past their prime in life who are facing threatening, neglectful and abusive situations, with no other options remaining. To secure the safe future of these equines so they can be cared for and live out their lives in sanctuary, or when possible, be placed through foster, prepared for adoption, or reunited with their families.

With your support, rehabilitation, enrichment and training services enhance the successful recovery, transition and placement of abused, neglected and injured and otherwise at risk equines under the Wild For Life Foundation.
Sanctuary services are offered for at-risk equines of most every breed and discipline. The equines we serve were saved from unspeakable cruelty or life threatening danger, including slaughter, abuse, neglect and displacement as a result of seizure, starvation, roundups, euthanasia, and in limited cases of extreme emergency, surrender by their previous owner(s). WFLF's Sanctuary and Recovery Program serves all ages and breeds including senior and special needs equines, injured and disabled equines , and equines who have been so severely traumatized that they need to live out the remainder of their lives in a peaceful sanctuary setting. These rescued equines are offered an opportunity to live out their lives in safety and peace under WFLF's program.
Rescued wild equines saved from life threatening situations are given an opportunity to heal and thrive in safe and peaceful settings. Fundamental to the core of WFLF’s equine sanctuary program is our commitment to provide safe harbor for each and every animal that comes through our doors.
Saving America's Horses is the primary educational program and initative under WFLF. WFLF’s International Saving America’s Horses Initiative and its ‘Give Horses Hope’ campaign is dedicated to wild horse preservation and the prevention of equine cruelty through elevating lifesaving stewardship and the healing hearts of horses. The lifesaving program strives to bring crucial aid to horses and burros in need, and strives to inspire the public to take a more active role in protecting and caring for wild and domestic equines.
SAVING AMERICA'S HORSES; A NATION BETRAYED is an independent educational film project under Wild for Life Foundation, first released worldwide in 2010 through the Los Angeles Women's International Film Festival where it won BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM. Subsequent festival cuts of the project were released thereafter through multiple festival screenings where the film won numerous international awards including BEST ENVIRONMENTAL FILM in Canada. The film project was then completely remastered and reformatted in conformance with ST 428-2:2006 D-Cinema Distribution Master requirements as set by the ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES for Academy qualification and was then released with Oscar consideration and exhibited through BI-COASTAL THEATRICAL RELEASE in 2012.
A 10 minute featurette version of the film is also available for licensed showing in multiple formats for short programming purposes. A series Advocacy Videos have also been produced through a compilation of excerpts from the film, and these remain available online through WFLF’s websites and social media forums as educational tools for the benefit of the horses. The theatrical version of the full length film is now available through Digital Distribution platforms. Visit to learn more.

WFLF’s Wild Equine Indigenous Heritage Project is dedicated to the preservation and lifesaving protection of America’s wild horses and burros and their heritage through the creation of sanctuary/ preserve programs, education and advocacy.
Back to the Wild is a program under WFLF’s Wild Equine Indigenous Heritage Program which strives to preserve and protect America’s wild horses and burros in the wild. This program strives to raise awareness related to the recognition of equines as a Native Species to North America. Program objectives include 1) promoting the rejuvenation of ecosystems and wildlife through the re-introduction of wild equines to their natural open range-lands in the U.S., 2) providing the public with education and elevated appreciation for the continued protection and preservation of America's wild equines, 3) protection, preservation and outreach services to benefit equines residing in the wild, 4) rescue, placement and protection services for captured wild equines who've become imperiled, victimized, threatened, homeless and or slaughter bound due to roundups. Through this program we also promote their protection against extinction in the wild .
WFLF has been at the forefront of efforts in the fight against the organized inhumane exploitation of canines including shelter cruelty, breed discrimination, vivisection, their use as food and fiber, and the inadequate standards of protection for the canine population as a whole. We have provided lifesaving rescue and a second chance at life to many homeless, distressed and displaced canines, including veterinary medical care, nourishing food, and housing.
Thank you for supporting our lifesaving mission


Lifetime Equine Refuge is WFLF's primary equine rescue and sanctuary program under WFLF. We provide a variety of rescue services based on equine community need and available funding for the direct benefit of abused, neglected and at-risk equines of all breeds, ages and disabilities, for the purpose of saving their lives and to aid in providing for their safety, peace, health and future well being.
Rescue missions are currently considered and established to allow for the acceptance of new rescues into our onsite program based on advanced funding. We also work to facilitate the safe placement of at risk equines in need through WFLF's Safe Haven Network. Learn more & check out highlights from some of the many rescue missions we have suceesfully completed by following the link to Community Support, under Services & Enrichment.

"The vast challenges facing America’s wild and domestic equines and their natural habitats are immense.Every day, countless names, faces, and lives are lost to inhumane and needless killing that can be prevented; this killing additionally places human lives at risk, contributes to toxic waste and global warming, and it is our mission to see that this becomes a thing of the past. This is the path we’ve always been on. And it is my great privilege to be on it with you, and so many other like-minded people and partners. Thank you for being a part of this lifesaving mission. Together, we will save more lives." - Katia Louise, President, Wild For Life Foundation

Donate with Confidence |
In July 2018, Wild For Life Foundation celebrated its 10th anniversary of success in awarding winning charitable services and impeccable compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and operational policies.
The WFLF considers program measurement a proud companion to the transparency that has earned our nonprofit organization the prestigious Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency year after year. Fully Vetted by GlobalGiving's rigorous due diligence process since 2012 , GlobalGiving has ranked Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) at the highest level. |

Equine sanctuary land acquisition is sought for the provision of lifelong safe harbor and preservation of the at-risk animals who are otherwise caught in the constant crossfire of competing public, private and commercial land use interests. Donations in support of WFLF's sanctuary program expansion are currently accepted under WFLF's general fund. If you wish to make a significant donation toward WFLF's acquisition of a specific land purchase project, please contact us directly to learn how to restrict your gift accordingly.