The Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) is committed to being in compliance with all operational policies, and applicable laws and regulations.
Organization compliance management practices set forth guidelines and policies for the purpose of ensuring conformity as required by law. WFLF governance authority is exercised through actions of the organization’s Board of Directors (BOD).
part of the WFLF commitment to responsible philanthropy, WFLF exercises transparency and regular communication about its missions and accomplishments. The WFLF annually keeps the following information available to the public via its website and/or through GuideStar and/or a written report:
• Mission statement
• Definition of geography and populations served
• Description of each major program with related accomplishments
• List of the Board of Directors
• Financial information in accordance with applicable law
Conflict of Interest Policy
The Wild For Life Foundation Conflict of Interest Policy obligates officers and board members in the performance of organization duties to seek only the furtherance of the organization mission. Seal dealing activities are prohibited except as allowed under the law. Board members are required to disclose to the Board any personal interests in matters pending before the organization and are to refrain from participation in discussion and actions on such matters.
Finances and Fundraising
Fundraising activities performed for the benefit of the organization shall be in compliance with applicable charitable solicitation laws. WFLF strives to have the best possible internal controls and financial systems through its financial policies which guide the work of staff and outsourced financial management. WFLF retains exclusive legal control over contributed assets to advance its exempt purposes. Financial contributions in support of WFLF's mission and services are managed under the organization's general fund which allows the charity to allocate its resources most efficiently, to ensure that funds are always available where the needs are greatest under the exempt purpose of the nonprofit.
The official registration and financial information regarding Wild For Life Foundation as registered with the Registry of Charitable Trusts can be obtained from the California Attorney General's Web site . (WFLF's registration with the Registry of Charitable Trusts does not imply endorsement.)
Board of Directors
Wild For Life Foundation policy requires that its Board of Directors (BOD) oversee the work of officers and other senior management, make policy decisions for the charity, and ensure that the organization is faithfully carrying out its charitable mission. The activities and affairs of the organization are managed and all corporate powers are exercised under the ultimate direction of WFLF’s board. WFLF BOD exercises its powers, duties, and limitations of what is expected and required from its directors and officers in accordance applicable law.
Whistleblower Policy
It is the intent of Wild For Life foundation to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization. WFLF promotes an “open door” policy and standard of “no retaliation” for raising concerns.
The purpose of WFLF's Whistleblower Policy is to support the organization's goal of legal compliance. WFLF's Whistleblower Policy encourages staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or violations of adopted policies of the organization, and specifies that the organization will protect the individual from retaliation. The policy further identifies those staff or board members or outside parties to whom such information can be reported.
Volunteer Policy
WFLF is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for volunteers, staff, visitors and beneficiaries. Volunteer programming includes participation and successful completion in orientation and training for the tasks which they perform on behalf of the organization. Volunteers are expected to respect, uphold and adhere to WFLF policy and applicable law. Volunteers are expected to be good citizens and to engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon the WFLF, to be civil to one another and to others in the Foundation community, and contribute positively to the Foundation mission.
Visitors and Guests
Entry to WFLF's rescue and sanctuary facilities is by appointment only through WFLF Administration. All volunteers, visitors and guests are expected to sign in upon arrival. For the safety and welfare of all concerned, visitors must be accompanied authorized staff.
Privacy, Confidentiality and Security
WFLF does not sell, or rent, or trade our donors’ names or personal information with other entities, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. WFLF's privacy policy applies to all information received by Wild For Life Foundation, both online and offline, on any Platform, as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.
WFLF's confidentiality policy supports safety for all program participants. It is the intent of the Wild for Life Foundation to assure that its confidentiality policy and procedures are maintained for the safety and security of its animal beneficiaries, and the protection of the privacy of recipients of services, served individual participants, donors and other constituents, in accordance with applicable law.
Standards of Care
WFLF implements high standards and best practices in all horse care which ties directly to our rescue and sanctuary accomplishments. WFLF's Standards of Care Policies are applicable to general equine management practices and the primary care of equines that come under the umbrella of The Wild For Life Foundation. These policies offer strong parameters for responsible animal care and keeping including guidelines for security and safety. WFLF conducts its operations to meet these best practices standards and advocates for nationally recognized animal care guidelines such as those set forth by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.
WFLF's Safe Haven Protection Policy
WFLF's Safe Haven Protection Policy requires that WFLF assures the most secure and peaceful living environment and recovery possible for all animal rescue and sanctuary residents. WFLF welcomes visitors and guests by appointment only to our facilities. We do not subject animals who have recently arrived or who are receiving or in need of medical care or who may not do well under stress of public display. Nor do we keep Wild Animals in captivity for the purpose of subjecting them to the stress of public display.
WFLF's Biosecurity policy is a set of preventive measures designed to reduce the risks for introduction and transmission of an infectious disease agent. Infectious disease pathogens may be brought to and spread to the sanctuary premises through many avenues including people, horses, domestic animals other than horses, vehicles, equipment, feed and waste. WFLF's implementation of its Biosecurity policy and plan is stringently enforced to prevent the movement of diseases and pests on and off its rescue and sanctuary premises.
Human contact with horses can spread infectious disease agents between animals and humans. The biosecurity risks facilities pose can range from minor to major, depending on existing protocols:
Transporters are expected to sanitize their transport vehicles prior to introducing horse who are coming to WFLF facilities.
Breeding Policy
WFLF exercises a strict no breeding policy, which is enforced through WFLF's Standards of Equine Care Policies, and which as apply to WFLF's conditional adoption and foster agreements. The Remedy clause applies to any breach of contract including breeding. The remedies at law for breach of the provisions of our agreement additionally entitle WFLF to injunctive relief in addition to material damages. Incoming stallions are properly housed in separate areas of the equine facilities and otherwise castrated post intake per vet clearance of health and wellness. WFLF works to educate community members about indiscriminate breeding practices. WFLF's position is that if people took more responsibility in their breeding practices, there wouldn't be as many companion animals in need of rescue.
Euthanasia Policy
We believe that all animals deserve a humane end to life and we consider lethal injection by a qualified veterinarian humane euthanasia. Our policy stipulates that if Euthanasia is deemed necessary in the opinion of the treating veterinarian, that it is performed by injection administered by a trained, compassionate and competent veterinarian, to assure that it’s done with the highest degree of respect and with an emphasis on making the death as painless and distress free as possible.
WFLF is a no-kill rescue organization. WFLF will consider euthanasia for an animal only if we have exhausted all options of saving the animals' life or if in the opinion of a competent veterinarian that an animal's illness or injury is an irreversible or severely painful condition, wherein the quality of life for that animal has become substantially impaired and cannot be medically treated. Our policy is to never euthanize a healthy but difficult animals to make room for more, or as a management tool. Our organization will NOT euthanize a healthy but difficult equine.
Crisis Communications Policy
Wild For Life Foundation is committed to providing accurate information to the public and utilizes a ProActive crisis communications plan in the event of a crisis that impacts the organization, in which case appropriate communication procedures are enacted as outlined under WFLF's risk management.
Organizational crises may occur without warning, and can take many forms that are often tragic and unexpected. For example, a crisis may include physical injury or death, natural or man-made disasters, fire, or external attacks against the charity including acts of hate, and other violent threats that may jeopardize organization staff, service recipients, participants, charity facilities, etc., or a claim of alleged theft or other illegal conduct.
* Additional information about our policies is available upon request 
* WFLF Transparency, Compliance & Impact 
WFLF financials are available on line through GuideStar 
Other General Compliance Information and Disclosures >> |