MorningStar (nick named (Glow) was one of the littlest baby foals in the first group of orphan Navajo foals rescued by Wild for Life Foundation in 2013. She was just 6 weeks old when she lost her mother to roundups and slaughter.
Despite the dedicated round the clock professional care these foals received once rescued, just a few days after being evacuated out of N.M., little Morning Star took a turn. MorningStar was rushed to the local veterinary hospital where she was admitted for urgent care, and she remained under special care at the vet hospital for 17 days.
Morning Star was eventually released and once strong enough to travel, made the rest of her journey to her new home in California at WFLF's Lifetime Equine Refuge Sanctuary. Morning Star is a fighter and she continued getting stronger every day.

Like many of the other little orphaned Navajo foals, Morning Star needed to remain under special care to fully heal both emotionally and physically. Deprived of their Mother's milk to nourish and protect them, it can take upwards to a year to restore their delicate systems with special milk-replacer feeds and immune building supplements that help them to be able to grow and thrive.
"The rescue of these foals is just the beginning. Their full recovery requires constant expert care and a long term commitment. As these little ones begin to heal they slowly build up their strength. And though some may never overcome the injuries they sustained during the roundups, oftentimes some do."
Morning Star is one of many orphan baby foals rescued by the Wild for Life Foundation. She is one of many rescued equines that depend 100% on charitable donations to help pay for their essential medical/ health and veterinary medical care, supplies, feed, hay and housing which makes WFLF's lifesaving mission possible.
Give the Gift of Life
Donations are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Federal ID No. 26-3052458

Morning Star
has a story to tell – a story of survival, courage, hope and healing. You can help MorningStar and others like her by sharing her story and the link to her page.

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