The ANIMALS are the BENEFICIARIES of our mission - Wild For Life Foundation exists to serve their need for protection and care. On average 97% of each dollar raised goes directly to the benefit of animals in need, and they appreciate your continued support. And we appreciate your continued support on their behalf. Thank you.
"The vast challenges facing America’s wild and domestic equines and their natural habitats are immense.
Every day, countless names, faces, and lives are lost to inhumane and needless killing that can be prevented; this killing additionally places human lives at risk, contributes to toxic waste, and it is our mission to see that this becomes a thing of the past. This is the path we’ve always been on. And it is my great privilege to be on it with you, and so many other like-minded people and partners. Thank you for being a part of this lifesaving mission. Together, we will save more lives." - Katia Louise, President, Wild For Life Foundation
Saving America's Horses Production News Resources and Links 

A Tax Exempt Public Benefit Corporation
The WFLF conducts undercover investigations, exposes cruelty, and holds equine abusers to account. We’ve saved hundreds of horses and burros from neglect and slaughter, and freed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) captured wild horses and burros to forever sanctuary; we’ve turned up the heat on the insidious trade of horse meat; and have inspired more Americans to make cruelty-free choices. We bring exposure to the corrupt distribution of disinformation provided to the public about horse slaughter and the removal of America’s wild horses, and reveal how the public has been misled by special interest groups that run over the laws that are supposed to protect the horses, people and the environment.
The WFLF considers program measurement a proud companion to the transparency that continues to earn our non-profit foundation the prestigious Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency year after year. Fully Vetted by GlobalGiving's rigorous due diligence process since 2012 , GlobalGiving has ranked Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF) at the highest level.
We celebrated our 10th year in 2018: Click here to see our 10 Year Review, Defending Their Freedom & Saving Their Lives>>
Charting Impact:
• We provide safe, temporary and long term care to directly benefit at-risk equines, including veterinary and health care, nutritional food, shelter, and rehabilitation.
• We strive to find and secure safe new homes for the at-risk, homeless, and victimized equines that we rescue and we accomplish this through training, rehab, foster, adoption and sanctuary programming.
• We strive to secure the well being and safe future of each and every animal that we rescue.
• We provide educational materials and programming, and public outreach in local communities inspiring compassionate equine care. We offer information on how to identify and help resolve equine neglect and abuse.
• As funding allows, we offer assistance within our local county area to help improve the life of at-risk equines during temporary crisis. We have aided and saved 100’s of equines in crisis situations through evacuation services, and the temporary provision of shelter, feed and hay for homeless, starving, and abandoned equines.
• We strive to raise awareness and reduce animal suffering by offering and demonstrating humane and compassionate animal care and management practices, tips and solutions.
• We strive to raise awareness and resolve the over population of equines due to indiscriminate and inadvertent breeding through educational materials and programming.
• As funding has allowed, we've provided disaster relief and assistance for at-risk equines during emergencies and crisis situations. We have aided and saved 100’s of equines impacted by disaster, emergency and crisis situations through evacuation services, and the temporary provision of feed and hay to directly help at-risk, starving, abandoned equines and during rescue missions.
• We investigate and raise awareness about practices that result in animal suffering, cruelty and neglect. We investigate, document and expose activities directly related to the insidious practice of horse slaughter, including the creation and circulation of misleading information, propaganda and disinformation as disseminated by special interest groups and agencies that promote, conduct or support practices to the detriment of animal safety, and welfare, and that perpetuate the violation of the laws meant to protect the animals, but instead do the opposite.
• We strive to raise awareness and resolve the animal advocacy organizational divide by raising awareness about propaganda and disinformation leading to the detriment of animal health, safety and welfare, and by offering, demonstrating and maintaining best practices in integrity, honesty and compassionate collaborative initiatives for the advancement of the prevention of cruelty to animals.

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