CRISIS INTERVENTION ASSISTANCE: WFLF has provided emergency aid and crisis intervention assistance for hundreds of wild and domestic horses and burros who have become displaced and in life threatening danger. The types of assistance provided by WFLF include aid for hay, medical care, rehabilitation, training, transport, placement, primary care and animal housing. |
In October 2016 the Wild for Life Foundation/ Saving America's Horses teamed up with Fleet of Angels to help make the rescue and placement of over 900 slaughter bound Mustangs, including blind wild horses, senior wild horses and numerous malnourished pregnant & nursing and mares and foals, a huge success. WFLF's Saving America's Horses program raised awareness and support for emergency ISPMB adoptions, and our multimedia and Tee shirt campaigns raised funds which purchased quality hay to feed the horses caught in the ISPMB crisis.
Over 900 ISPMB Mustangs and Burros were seized by authorities due to a court order. Emergency adoptions continue to date (Sept 2017) and have been underway across the country for nearly a year. |
In 2013 WFLF expanded its crisis intervention assistance program for wild and domestic horses through its safe haven network program to make room for several groups equines in need from California and New Mexico. Equines assisted included orphan foals, numerous pregnant and nursing mares, nursing foals, and special needs horses (e.g. starvation victims, injured and abused equines).
In 2014 WFLF expanded its crisis intervention assistance program for wild horses through its wild horse rescue and recovery program to save the lives of wild horses whose lives were in life threatening danger. Equines assisted included orphan foals, numerous pregnant and nursing mares, nursing foals, special needs horses, emaciated equines, injured and untouchable wild equines.
In 2015 WFLF expanded its crisis intervention assistance program in order to bring aid and placement assistance to wild burros in life threatening danger. Equines assisted included numerous pregnant jennies, untouchable wild burros and several jacks.
In 2016 WFLF expanded its crisis intervention assistance program in order to bring aid and placement assistance to wild horses in life threatening danger. Equines assisted included over 900 slaughter bound Mustangs, including blind wild horses, senior wild horses and numerous malnourished pregnant & nursing and mares and foals.
In 2017, due to a shift in available resources, WFLF scaled down its crisis assistance goals. However, with so many animals counting on us, we can't afford to come up short. That's why monthly giving is so important - to assure a steady funding. WFLF is an all volunteer charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving America's wild and domestic horses and burros and we depend 100% on tax deductible donations from caring community members like you to carry out our lifesaving mission. |
Our work first centers on restoring these innocent victims to good physical health as we begin the journey of nurturing and renewing their spirits, their hope and their trust in humans. |
As funding has allowed and through our CRISIS INTERVENTION ASSISTANCE program we've aided, saved and evacuated equines found in life threatening and disastrous situations. We also partner with community members and work in conjunction with law enforcement and animal services to facilitate and provide for the rescue and placement of animals in life threatening danger and those seized in animal cruelty cases.
This is the most cost intensive part of our work, and the aspect that often requires fast funding so we can act quickly to provide emergency medical care and rescue services. Through collaboration, legal assistance and negotiation when necessary, we get animals removed from abusive and life threatening situations. Animals rescued from severe abuse and neglect oftentimes have severe health challenges, frequently related to starvation, dehydration, and physical abuse. The first priority is major medical care, medicine as needed and good nutrition. |
Safe Haven Network – is a division of our foster and adoption program which has enabled the provision of temporary placement for equines who needed short term health and behavior monitoring. Our caring foster care providers have also assisted in the process of long term placement in new loving homes. Compassionate foster care placement also helps with our Second Chance program to help prevent the killing of healthy adoptable equines in overcrowded county shelters. |
The WFLF Safe Haven Community Network is comprised of members of the equestrian community, including trainers, groomers and equine handlers who give back to America's horses through volunteer hands on assistance and support. Our compassionate and generous Safe Haven partners provide in-kind services, and goods as needed for WFLF Equine Foster and Adoption Candidates. Through WFLF's Safe Haven Emergency Rescue and Recovery, we serve the community needs of at risk equines both locally and on a national level. |
WFLF's Safe Haven Program is an important supplemental program that enhances our ability to assure that thall equines coming through our doors will always be cared for humanely, will not be neglected, abandoned or abused, not be sold, or given away, or auctioned, nor utilized for breeding or racing, or rodeo activities, or for commercial exploitation.
Partnership in WFLF's Safe Haven Rescue and Recovery Program is by invitation only. Accredidation under WFLF's Safe Haven Network is a privilege which can be revoked if the partnering organization, facility or individual operators fail to uphold WFLF standards of care policies, foster/ adoption requirements, and or best practices. |
Thank you for supporting our lifesaving mission |
Wild For Life Foundation's services and objectives are made possible through donations to our lifesaving mission. For Wild For Life Foundation, the ability to respond quickly to animal emergencies and provide lifesaving care and feed to animals is crucial to saving more lives. Unrestricted funds allow us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest. |
The at-risk animals served through the Wild For Life Foundation are the beneficiaries of our mission, and they appreciate your continued support. Thank you.

Chip in to Help Horses today! |
These horses and burros are roundup and slaughter survivors, rescued by WFLF from across the country, each with their own special story.

Please consider making a donation in any amount to help save and protect horses and burros today. |

Please give generously
