By the Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF)
In early in 2014, under WFLF's WILD MUSTANG RESCUE MISSION (MMRM), a special grassroots rescue and recovery project was launched to rescue and save the lives of approximately *one hundred and fifty wild horses that had unfortunately lost their pasture lease and sadly the entire herd of imperiled Mustangs were reportedly found to be stranded in a pens at deserted feed lot without access to running water or hay. Their owner was reportedly without the resources to house, feed and care for them and these Mustangs were on the verge of losing lives to unspeakable slaughter.

WFLF's costs to carry out this rescue mission and successfully complete it have exceeded roughly $180,000, including costs to care, feed, vet, transport and house the many horses served through this successful rescue-crisis mission. |
In early 2014, the president a New Mexico nonprofit, solicited Wild for Life Foundation (WFLF) for special consideration, including financial and in kind rescue support for the express purpose of saving the lives of horses identified and managed under the New Mexico nonprofit.
It was reported that their entire herd of horses was in immediate danger of shipping to slaughter. In consideration of the numerous desperate pleas, emails and photographes received by the New Mexico nonprofit, and direct response to the "life and death urgent need" for emergency rescue assistance, the Wild For Life Foundation stepped up in effort to help save these animals.
The WFLF's Rescue & Recovery Mission (WFLF MMRRM) was launched by the Wild For Life Foundation in order to provide crisis intervention assistance to benefit these innocent animals' whose lives were at stake. The official launch of this mission directly served WFLF's charitable purpose of saving and protecting wild equines. WFLF's mission directly benefitted the NM nonpprofit and its at risk horses in numerous ways, including an abundance of financial and crisis support, emergency aid and in kind goods and services which were donated by WFLF.
WFLF provided a variety of valuable in kind contributions including goods and services, together with emergency financial support directly toward the care, feeding, transport and placement of these imperiled Mustangs. The mission enabled WFLF to approve funding activities which enabled the facilitation and placement of over 100 of these horses into new safe 3rd third party homes in Colorado, Texas, Arizona and California.
It's estimated that approximately 30-50 equines were relocated to new homes within the state of NM by the New Mexico nonprofit. The total number of horses saved through this mission is approximate due to the large number of offspring born in NM while under the management of the NM nonprofit. The exact number of equines relocated within the state of NM in 2014 remains undisclosed by the New Mexico nonprofit.
Vigorous assistance was provided by WFLF to aid in the safe placement of as many horses as possible throughout the MMRRM. However there were not enough takers for all of the herd members – including little *Cinco (left), his mother and several other mares and new born foals. These were among some of the emaciated horses, the injured, some of the most wild, and the least adoptable horses.
*Reportedly, little Cinco was found "born in the pens, caught under a gate and couldn't get out."
Numerous transfer and transport records document the release of over 100 horses for transfer and possession to various new owners selected and approved by the NM organization in CO, TX, AZ and CA in 2014. Approximately 48 horses of the 100+ horses, including three pregnant mares were accepted at WFLF CA facilities over a period of several months in 2014. WFLF's accepted possession and custodial care of these equines was predicated on the fact that they were voluntarily surrendered and conveyed to WFLF by the New Mexico organization as memorialized by a written equine transfer agreement.

Photo credit and copyrights: Wild For Life Foundation, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED |
In June of 2015, WFLF transferred approximately thirty three of these Mustangs back to the New Mexico nonprofit under a residency placement agreement as part of a collaborative effort with DreamCatchers, a 3rd party sanctuary in Northern California. This event officially signified the conclusion of the WFLF rescue mission.
The last 15 horses continued to thrive under WFLF's equine rescue and sanctuary program where they received ongoing quality care and housing for another 1.5 years following the completion of this mission.
Lifesaving rescue and sanctuary services delivered through this mission include WFLF's payment for and provision of veterinary care, medical supplies, hoof care, dental care, emergency equine transport, general transport, food, shelter/ housing, and utilities which directly served the needs of these rescued equines over a total period of approximately 2.5 years.
The below LIST OF NEWS & ARTICLES PUBLISHED THROUGH THE COURSE OF THIS MISSION serves to provide project transparency as to how this rescue mission unfolded and developed through and until its completion. |
July 20, 2016, Wild For Life Foundation Successfully Saved the lives of approx 150 former ... mustang victims from gruesome slaughter
July 27, 2015, Mission accomplished with integrity and honor; WFLF’s Wild Horse Rescue and Recovery Program – A Historic Living Legacy
November 19, 2014, TRUE COWBOY MAGAZINE, The full story about the Wild for Life Foundation and The... Mustangs
November 3, 2014, Success! The last of imperiled ... Mustangs safely arrive to California!
October 8, 2014, GREEN VALLEY NEWS, Rescue Group Helps Save Horses
September 15, 2014, A New Beginning for some of America's most Imperiled Wild Horses
September 12, 2014, Wild For Life Foundation welcomes 10 more rescued Mustangs to its Southern California Safe Haven Sanctuary facility.
August 18, 2014, Wild For Life Foundation welcomes 15 Spanish Mustangs to its Southern California Safe Haven Sanctuary facility.
July 29, 2014, Wild For Life Foundation welcomes 7 Spanish Mustang mares and their foals to its Safe Haven program at Equine Voice, AZ.
See more pictures of Mustangs whose lives were saved by the Wild For Life Foundation through this rescue mission 

Note: Photographs watermarked with the WILD FOR LIFE FOUNDATION name are federally protected under copyright law. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Any and all unauthorized or bad faith use of WFLF name or images is prohibited. |