Chief Daniel "Eagle Warrior" Ramos, Ambassador to Saving America's Horses
Pledge to give in your own special way - email us
Click the video below to listen to this important message on behalf of America's horses & burros from Chief Daniel "Eagle Warrior" Ramos, Chief Spiritual Leader, Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation
Through monthly giving, Circle of Life relatives help assure quality care and habitats for the neediest animals served through WFLF. With the monthly support of Circle of Life supporters, these rescue animals will continue to receive quality food, medical care, safe harbor, and the loving hands-on attention they need.
Monthly giving is the easiest way to support the lifesaving mission of Wild For Life Foundation. Your monthly gift provides a consistent, reliable income stream that allows us to tackle whatever case may come through our doors. From serious trauma, starvation, or other physical or emotional, or painful debilitating conditions, Circle of Life members help assure that these vulnerable victimized equines will never be at risk of mistreatment, roundup or slaughter again!

Join Chief Daniel's Circle of Life with a pledge to give monthly or a pledge to assist/ give in your own special way - Circle of Life members play an invaluable role in the continuum of care for these animal beings.
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Since founding in 2008, the Wild For Life Foundation has oftentimes been the first or the only place where injured, orphaned and homeless equines could find safe refuge. We provide rescue, rehabilitation, adoption and sanctuary services for at risk wild and domestic equines in need. |
Greetings dear friends and relatives,
I invite you to join and connect in this Circle of Life - in support of this very special cause. I am bringing forth this Circle of Life - a devoted circle of caring compassionate two-legged relatives who are coming together and have come together in spirit and in body.
Our sacred native four-legged relatives are facing critical challenges and we need to help them today.
Their lives have been saved by the Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF), a charity devoted to serving these sacred relatives. WFLF has a solid track record of accomplishments since it was founded in 2008, and has helped 1000's of horses and successfully saved 100's of lives. However the charity relies 100% on public donations to carry out their important loving and life-giving mission.
Circle of Life members are needed to help WFLF assure that the vulnerable victimized equines they serve will never be at risk of mistreatment, roundup or slaughter again!
- Chief Daniel "Eagle Warrior" Ramos, Chief Spiritual Leader, Choctaw Muskogee Yamassee Nation
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We invite you to take part in our Circle of Life Giving Circle - A loving fund created through compassionate monthly giving.
"The heart only knows one truth - that's love, the fire of life, and the time has come to act in the moment of now" - Chief Daniel

If you have a farm, ranch, land, barn/ house in need of purpose, there are rescue animals in need of sanctuary and land to roam and graze. Learn more about ways you can help make a difference.
Contact us 

Or make your donation in any amount
